Big Company in Malaysia is using Gen.AI for their content?

Was targeted by an ads this morning and read in their post comments that they were using Gen AI for their promotional advertisement. I was a little surprise, as the images look like a proper photo until I took a few minutes to study them (e.g. children’s teeth, asymmetrical hair ornaments, unfocused eyes, etc)

It is disheartening to witness the increasing influence of Gen AI in the creative industries. While it has undoubtedly aided clients in cutting down on advertisement costs, the situation worsens for creatives who are already grappling with challenges in the industry. It is uncertain if the company’s promotional team make these images in house or outsource to a third advertisement agency, this raises concerns among readers, particularly regarding copyright issues associated with the use of AI in promotional materials.

It is indisputable that, the Generative AI is already capable of creating materials that difficult to be distinguished at first glance. Considering that advertisements often receive only a brief “scroll” from customers, the question arises whether it is necessary for clients to allocate a substantial budget for hiring creatives or if opting for generated images at a fraction of the cost, even if it means compromising on ethical considerations, is a viable alternative.

Under the comments of the post, there were commenter condemning the act of the company using AI for their, but more comments were also found criticizing the commenter for being “boomer” asking him to better cope with new technology. Again, general public does not really care about the use of AI in the content, as well as understanding the copyright issue behind Generative AI.

There is a pressing need for increased education to raise public awareness about the potential toxicity and damage caused by Gen AI within the creative industry. However, as more prominent larger firms embrace AI for their daily content creation, there is a growing concern that the influence of AI could soon overshadow the efforts of individual artists.

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