The first time was back in March 2023. Was tested positive again on 16th April 2024 (Who knows, maybe it was a false positive, my close contacts were all safe). Literally wasted the whole week battling the virus

It was Tuesday. I woke up from my sleep from a terrible dried and aches in my throat. Initially I thought it was normal, as I often got dry-throat in the morning due to the A/C in my room.

Was preparing my daughter for her school, then Cold Symptoms come in. I was sneezing and nose were runny. thought it was a common cold I got from my children. In the afternoon, it struck my mind to go for a quick test.


The same evening, I got some mild fever, the sore-throat went away but nose is still runny. Took a panadol and went for the sleep. We did a simple self-quarantine at home (not as strict during the lockdown)

Runny nose, muscle aches and mild fever.
Had a bad real bad shiver during my sleep at nigh…

Stuffy nose and muscle aches
Bad bad headache and was unable to sleep for the night…crazy

Things cleared up, still tested positive with distinct 2 lines.

Tired, can not move a lot as I felt dizzy easily after some motion,
Restless sleep

Still tested positive, with faint lines.
However, I felt much better now.

Actual origin of the infection is unknown. We went to a crowded place on the weekend and some errand in the bank on Monday. I did not put on the face mask, guess that’s the cause. Luckily my wife and children were safe. Guess the antibody from the infection lasted less than a year, still got to be careful when in the public.

It had became a norm post the Covid era, most people take it as a “Cold”. The symptoms did fell somewhat different, terrible sore throat, muscle aches and the midnight headache.

I am glad, at least I got “vaccinated” again with a new batch of Covid antibody (?)